Friday, November 16, 2007

Blog posts you should have so far

1. Body Maps writing based on the "Body Map of My Life" by Bridget Booher which is in the handout that you got in class 10/31/07. (It accompanied all the "You Are Here" maps and excerpts from "This Bridge Called My Back.")

2. I Am What I Am writing based on the poem "I Am What I Am" by Rosario Morales which can be found in the handout that you got in class 10/31/07. It was a part of "This Bridge Called My Back" handout.

3. A response to the reading packet you received 11/07/07 which included the essays "Our Barbies, Ourselves," and "Behind the Formaldehyde Curtian."

4. Post all the in-class writing you've done so far: your "Barbie or Beauty Head" poem/prose piece, your anatomy piece using the word list you developed in class, the writing you did on the first day of class in your accordion book. If you have time, write a new piece splicing together your I am what I am piece with your word list. Use the word list to make interesting/weird metaphors. Don't worry so much about "making sense."

Don't forget to make comments on your classmate's blogs!!

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